Italian Language Lectures That Are a Pleasure To Attend
By Kazuo Hiroto

 I began learning Italian last April when I was 70 years old. As they say, "It is never too late to learn". The lesson is held every Thursday from 6:30 for two hours at Midorigaoka Bunkakaikan. I have been to Italy three times but that was for business or on a packaged tour, so I haven't been in touch with the true Italy yet. When I visited ruins of Rome and museums I realized the greatness and glory of the country, the rise and fall of ancient Rome and the Roman Empire. I think the present Japan can learn much from that history.
With only a little knowledge of Italian, my attention is drawn to Italian words on billboards in the street. The old Roman civilization and culture is still alive. 2000 years ago it ruled more countries than currently comprise EU. It ruled them for 500 years with forbearance and a law-abiding spirit. I would like to understand such Italian history more through its language.
The instructor, Mr. Marino Salvio, is a devoted teacher who teaches not only the language but also the differences between Italian and Japanese culture in an interesting manner. There are 14 or 15 students attending now, most of whom are young women. A dinner party is held (at an Italian restaurant) at the end of every term, and an Italian cooking class is sometimes held also.
Those who are interested in Italy are welcome to visit the class. Today as usual, I did my homework, dictionary in hand, and grateful for a teacher to correct my essays.
By a first-year student of the Italian language class

Still Looking Forward To Possible Meeting With Alain Delon
By Yoko Yoshida

 It was 47 years ago as a little girl, that my father, who had studied at Sorbonne University when young, gave me some special French language training. In my adolescent years, I eagerly attended Institut Franco-Japonais (a language school) so I could speak with a then-box office star and my passion, Alain Delon. Actually, I only spoke to him in my dreams, but the French language also allowed me to enjoy precious chats with young men I seldom saw in my girls' school. My motive for studying the language was not pure, but it is certain that I liked the language.
 Afterwards, I went on to a college to study at an English literature department, but I have never broken away from French. And as soon as I met a wonderful teacher, Mr. Sagara at the class I have attended since last year, my zeal for French was re-kindled. His lectures, covering a broad range of topics such as cultural and historical backgrounds, never fail to attract me. I have been working at the language, secretly attracted to the teacher, whom I call "Monsieur Mashi". He uses a very polite language such as, "I was wondering if you could ?" to ask us to do something. To tell the truth, the cakes he sometimes brings to the class attract me too.
(The picture was taken in September 2001 in Colmar, France. The writer is on the right side.)
By a French language class student

The CD album of “Vienna Piano Quartet”? Wins Popularity

We are pleased to inform that the“2002 UNESCO Peace Concert”held on October 10, 2002 at Meguro Persimmon Hall, is now available on CD album. The well recorded CD contains "Die Forelle" by Franz Schubert and other beautiful music played by members of Vienna Philharmonic Orchestra and the pianist, Yoko Fog(her husband is a member of the Orchestra, and the Fogs are members of Meguro UNESCO). The concert was one of the opening commemoration series of Meguro Persimmon Hall. As students under 15 years old were invited without admission fee, some people had difficulty obtaining concert tickets.
Accordingly, we have created the CD, agreed by concert members. Based upon the advanced recording technology of hall engineers, “Meguro UNESCO technical experts” arranged the program into two beautifully produced CDs(100 minutes). The CD won not only Yoko Fog's, but also, choirs'popularity.
The CD is not for sale. However, your 1000 yen for the CD will be donated to“Scholarship Funding”If you wish to get the CD, please contact our office.
Office Tel:03-03-5725-6150 Fax:03-5725-6160

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